Sisters of Notre Dame…Missioned to Incarnate the Love of our good and provident God

Inter-Faith Engagement for Justice and Peace, Patna Province, India

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Our Province Long-Range Planning, facilitated by Sr. Mary Sreeja, took place in November 2019. One suggestion from the event was that we take up a relevant type of collaboration in our missionary endeavors.  We named this program ‘’Inter–Faith Engagement for Justice and Peace.’’

The project was officially inaugurated on by Sr. Mary Tessy, SND, the Provincial Superior of the Assumption Province.   The core team members are Mrs. Ranjana Noumani, Mrs. Tejrashi Mehrotra, Sr. Mary Shobana, Sr. Mary Punita, and Sr. Mary Jyotisha.  During the initial meeting, Sr. Mary Tessy described the group as ‘’Manav Bhav,’’ which means ‘’Love and Compassion for Humanity’’.

Our Logo: One God, one Love, one World, one Humanity
(We are brothers and sisters, children of God the Father.)

Our Motto: “One Vision, one Mission, one Heart, one Hope”

Our Vision: To build an inclusive human community where everyone is respected, valued, and affirmed for his/her dignity.

Our Mission: To reach out to the marginalized and the down trodden, especially those who live in extreme poverty in our neighborhood and society. 

Our Hope: To support and encourage them to achieve a better quality of life.

Who are we?  We are a mosaic of persons of different faiths, beliefs, values, convictions, yet having a common vision and a mission to bring hope to the world.  Our core values are faith and trust in the Provident God; fraternal love; justice and peace; freedom, liberty, equality; reconciliation and forgiveness; honesty, trustfulness; non-violence and tenderness; and unity in diversity.

Our Engagement: Fraternal love will find its expression in the formation of a fraternity kitchen for the families who live without a single meal a day.  This is our humble beginning of a great service for the people who suffer from hunger.

Members of the group decided that, as part of our action plan, Sister Mary Punita would identify the deserving families; and each member of the team very generously volunteered to take the responsibility of providing the families with a week-end meal.  We entrust our province to the merciful and provident God, asking his blessings upon all our endeavors.

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